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and share stdsandyou.com with your online friends. Sexually Transmitted Disease - STD
Types of Std's you can get:In each link below you will find each type of Std, e.g. viral stds covered on one page, with each type of viral std covered succinctly on that viral std page. For some of the stds, e.g. the parasitic std, scabies, we have a highly informative page just on scabies as well. Each of these pages - both for types and specific STD's contains suggested treatment actions for you to consider, as well as photos of the std.
On a side note, STIs may be the term of the future. Lots of people get STD's and lots of people make STD phone calls. With both sorts of STD's so popular, the term STD creates confusion and difficulties for the many, many people wanting information on STD. To overcome this, some places, such as Australia, now refer to Sexually Transmitted Diseases as Sexually Transmitted Infections. It's a good idea, and may be taken up by the rest of the world in the not to distant future.
Stds Risk and Prevalence and YouAs stated, there are masses of people with STDs. How many? Well, according to cdc.gov, the number in the USA is over 45 million people aged from 12 years and up, are infected with genital herpes alone - that alone means that out every five people you see walking down the street that are over 12 years of age, one of them has genital herpes. Think about it, in the course of a day, how many people do you pass on the street? AND that's just genital herpes we are talking about. There are actually around 26 STDs, of which herpes is just one. Of course the sexually riskier the environment, e.g. church versus a singles bar, the higher the incidence of STDS there will be there. Your chance of going with someone and getting an STD is increased - that's just common logic. Worldwide, we are talking about 500 million people, with 20 million more added each year, again this is for genital herpes alone. STDs are also on the rise everywhere it seems.
In the United States the incidence of STIs and STDs is on the rise as well.Reported cases of chlamydia increased in the US by 5.6% between 2005 and 2006, while reported gonorrhea increased by 5.5%. Reported syphilis rates have steadily been increasing since 2001 after reaching a record low. Causes of this STD increase around the world?While improved testing and better reporting may account for some of this increase, it probably doesn't account for all. Lack of education, social embarrassment and irresponsible dating behavior all have their parts to play as well. Remember that some people don't get STD symptoms even while they're contagious, so don't ever take anyone's word for it. He or she may not know. The best way to protect yourself is to get the best education you can and act on it when appropriate.
Help, I think I have and STD infection!Nothing is so frightening as thinking you might have a life threatening, incurable illness and nor more joyous than finding out you only have a simple bacterial infection. Of course, the other way around doesn't even bear thinking about.
What are the Symptoms of an STD infection?However, the reason so many of them look the same is because many STI and STD symptoms are produced by your immune system, not by the bug itself. Inflammation, discharge, burning and itching are the body's signals that something's gotten in. Unless you really know what you're looking at, or happen to keep a pathology laboratory in your home, it can be kind of difficult to really know what any given invader is. Of course, some things just require the pathology lab itself to be sure. While you'll probably need to go to a doctor for any STD except a recurring yeast infection anyway, knowing what you're probably looking at can be darned helpful in countering the blind terror a genital infection can produce. Specifically, a sexually transmitted disease (STD) is by definition any disease that may be acquired as a result of sexual intercourse or other intimate contact with another infected person. The presence of a STD does not automatically mean that the person who has it had sex with anyone. There are a variety of ways you can get some of these, from having a blood transfusion to picking it up off of someone else's clothing or towels. The specific methods of transmission are listed in more detail with each individual disease. Broadly speaking, there are four distinct types of sexually transmitted disease. You can get an STD caused by a bacterial infection, a viral infection, fungi (yeast) outbreak, or a parasitic infection. STI and STD Treatment varies per these groups. Bacterial, fungi and parasitical diseases are usually fairly easy to treat if caught early while viral diseases are difficult if not impossible to completely cure. However, even if an STD can't be cured, it can usually be managed to some degree. The ultimate point is that any STD can seriously hurt or even kill you if you don't take care of it properly. This page is about STDs in general, while each category also has its own page, or soon will have, with the relevant details about each specific disease. We've broken them up this way for the sake of readability. However, yeast infection, bacterial, viral and parasitic STDs can all have similar symptoms, so if you're really lost for what you might have, read all of them.
How DANGEROUS is this STD? OR the STI and STD Complications you should know aboutSTI and STD can cause Pelvic Inflammatory DiseasePelvic inflammatory disease is a common complication of several STDs. Technically speaking, pelvic inflammatory disease is defined as infection of the womb, ovaries and fallopian tubes and so only applies to women. However, men can get their prostate or testes infected, so keep reading. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are the most common culprits, but even an untreated yeast infection can lead to PID. It can be treated if caught promptly, but if it goes on too long permanent damage can result. The symptoms of PID are pain in the lower abdomen, fever, a discharge with a truly bad odor, pain during sexual intercourse and bleeding from the genitalia. Possible permanent damage includes scar tissue in the reproductive organs, chronic pain and infertility. In addition, PID can contribute to something called an ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube rather than in the uterus where it's supposed to. Ectopic pregnancies can cause severe pain, internal bleeding, infertility and death. STI and STD can cause CancerMany STDs can significantly raise your chances for cancer. The best known is the human papilloma virus, or HPV, which is often linked to genital cancer in both men and women. Hepatitis A, B and C can all also contribute to cancer of the liver, while human t-lymphotropic retrovirus type 1 causes leukemia or lymphoma. Genital, liver and blood cancers can all kill you and they're usually pretty nasty about it too. If a STD infection gets this far, you have the same chances as anyone with these particular kinds of cancer, so it's best to protect yourself beforehand rather than worry about it after. STI and STD can cause Immune System CompromiseThe HIV virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is perhaps the most famous STD that suppresses your immune system. HIV does so directly, targeting and killing the white blood cells that your body uses to fend off disease. However, almost any STD can have a negative impact on your immune system as a whole. Every time your body has to fight one invader off, it steals away energy and resources needed to fight other invaders. Untreated STDs can give other, opportunistic infections like tuberculosis or yeast infections the opening to get in.
Pregnancy and STDs
Pregnancy offers no protection against any sexual consequence except pregnancy itself, which is to say that while you're pregnant you won't get pregnant again. All other consequences are still fair game.
How do I avoid getting an STD? ORSTD Prevention: Condoms, Monogamy and AbstinenceLatex condoms provide a measure of protection against sexually transmitted diseases, but they don't protect against all of them and they don't protect all the time.
The only one hundred percent method of not getting an STD is absolute and total abstinence, forever. The other most commonly accepted way for those who don't want to take religious vows is to be in a monogamous relationship where you've both been tested and seen the other person's results. Don't take your partner's word for it, he or she may not know they've got an STD. In addition, keep in mind that if your partner has sex with someone else and lies about it, he or she may have just put you at risk for a sexually transmitted disease. Make sure you and your partner are really on the same page about the exclusivity of your relationship, and don't hesitate to use words like "It could be fatal if we're not honest." If you've had a monogamous relationship and broken up, get tested. Do you really want to bet your life on the word of your ex? If you've never been tested before, get tested. Even if you're a virgin, get tested. Many STDs don't require sex, sex is just one way to get them. Education and honesty with yourself are the best ways to avoid STDs as much as humanly possible.
STD AND STI ReferencesTaber's Encyclopedia Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.2006.
Also, please consider sharing our helpful STD's with your online friends. Good luck from: Loni (Researcher and writer ) Donald (Editor and web master). But first, if you want to come back to www.stdsandyou.com again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Our Privacy Policy can be found at www.cholesterolcholestrol.com/privacypolicy.htm Copyright © 2007-present Donald Urquhart. All Rights Reserved. All universal rights reserved. Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of our legal disclaimer. |